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Gold-plated vacuum tube socket
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4 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 300B 2A3 5Z3P
4 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 300B 2A3 5Z3P 100% Brand New with iron hoop. The price is for 1 tube socket Declaration All items guaranteed 100% BRAND NEW in the original edition Box. ONE-YEAR WARRANTY !!! Direction: Name: 4 pin gold-plated ceramic tubes socket SPECIFICATIONS: 4 pin tubes socket Suitable vacuum tube models: Fit for 2A3 45 50 27 5Z3P 6A3 10 80 83 274A 300A 300B 801 811 VT52 71A,etc. Material: Ceramics Block(base), gold-plated pins FEATURES: 1, The pins are made with quality imports of copper, gold-plated, polished like jewels Fine. It is anti-oxidant...
$11.99 USD
Max: 10
7 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 6J1,6Z4,6X4
7 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for vacuum tube 6J1,6Z4,EF95,6X4,EZ90 100% Brand New with iron hoop. The price is for 1 tube socket Declaration All items guaranteed 100% BRAND NEW in the original edition Box. ONE-YEAR WARRANTY !!! Direction: Name: 7 pin gold-plated ceramic tubes socket SPECIFICATIONS: 7 pin tubes socket Suitable vacuum tube models: Fit for vacuum tube 6J1,6Z4,EF95,6X4,EZ90 etc. Material: Ceramics Block(base), gold-plated pins FEATURES: 1, The pins are made with quality imports of copper, gold-plated, polished like jewels Fine. It is anti-oxidant and...
$11.99 USD
Max: 10
8 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for KT88 EL34 6550
8 pin(octal ) gold-plate Vacuum tube socket ceramics mount for electron valveKT88 EL34 6550 100% Brand New with iron hoop The price is for 1 tube socket Declaration All items guaranteed 100% BRAND NEW in the original edition Box. ONE-YEAR WARRANTY !!! Direction: Name: 8 pin(octal) gold-plated ceramic tubes socket SPECIFICATIONS: 8 pin (octal) Suitable vacuum tube models: Fit for 5AR4/GZ34 , 5R4GY , 5U4G , 6AS7G , 6B4G , 6BL7GT , 6F6 , 6J5 , 6J7 , 6L6 , 6SJ7 , 6SL7 , 6SN7 , 6V6 , 274B , 348A , 350B , 421A , 5691 , 5692 , 5693 , 5881 , 6336 , 6550 , 7199 , EL34 , EL37...
$11.99 USD
Max: 10
9 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 12AT7 12AU7
9 pins gold-plate vacuum tube socket ceramics mount for electron valve 12AT7 12AU7 12AX7 EL84 12AZ7 100% Brand New with iron hoop . The price is for 1 tube socket Declaration All items guaranteed 100% BRAND NEW in the original edition Box. ONE-YEAR WARRANTY !!! Direction: Name: 9 pin gold-plated ceramic tubes socket SPECIFICATIONS: 9 pin tubes socket Suitable vacuum tube models: Fit for vacuum tube 6DJ8,EL84,6922,6BM8,6BQ5,6CG7,6FQ7,6DJ8,ECC88,6DL4,6EU7, 6AU8,12AT7,ECC81,12AU7,ECC82,12AX7,ECC83,12AY7,12AZ7, 12BH7,12BY7,5751,5814,6189,7119,E182CC,7199,E80CC,EF86,etc. Material: Ceramics...
$11.99 USD
Max: 10
New Products For March - Gold-plated vacuum tube socket
8 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for KT88 EL34 6550
$11.99 USD
7 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 6J1,6Z4,6X4
$11.99 USD
9 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 12AT7 12AU7
$11.99 USD
4 pins gold-plate tube socket ceramics mount for 300B 2A3 5Z3P
$11.99 USD