PSVANE classic series 12AX7/ECC83 HiFi vacuum tube one

Product Price: $44.52 USD

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PSVANE classic series 12AX7/ECC83 HiFi vacuum tube one
100% Brand New

The price is for One, if you buy 1 pair, we will send the Factory full matched tubes to you.


All items guaranteed 100% BRAND NEW in the original edition Box.


Product parameters:

The high-μ low-noise dual three-pole small nine-pin tube is used for voltage amplification in the audio amplifier circuit, and the inversion drive push-pull amplification.

Hot wire heating
UH 6.3 (parallel) 12.6 (string) V
IH 0.30 0.15 A

Limit value for A1 zoom (each side)
Anode voltage 330 V
Anode negative voltage -50 V
Positive grid voltage 0 V
Anode dissipation power 1.2 W
Voltage between hot wire cathodes (pk) ±180 V

Interelectrode capacitance
No.1 No.2
Input capacitance 1.6 1.6
Output capacitance 0.46 0.34 PF
Trans-circuit capacitance 1.7 1.7 PF
Electrostatic parameters

Ua 100 250 V
Ug -1 -2 V
Ia 0.5 1.2 mA
Gm 1.25 1.6 mA/V
μ 100 100
ri 80 62.5 KΩ





This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 21 July, 2020.